Publikációk kutatási téma szerint
Téma: Környezetvédelem (5)
Horváth Csaba
Érinti-e a nyomdaipart a körforgásos gazdaságra való átállás?
Magyar Grafika, 2019. 4. szám. (LXIII. évfolyam), 50-53. old. ; (HU ISSN 0479-480X)
Érinti-e a nyomdaipart a körforgásos gazdaságra való átállás?
Magyar Grafika, 2019. 4. szám. (LXIII. évfolyam), 50-53. old. ; (HU ISSN 0479-480X)
Csaba Horvath (In: Anon., ed.)
Going reen: effective solutions to mitigate environmental impacts int he heat-set web offset printing technology
Sofia, STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2016. pp. 443-448. (Vienna, Austria, November 2-5, 2016) ; (ISBN:978-619-7105-79-7)
16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2016: Book 6 : Nano, Bio and Green - Technologies for a Sustainable Future Conference, Procedings Vol III.
Going reen: effective solutions to mitigate environmental impacts int he heat-set web offset printing technology
Sofia, STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2016. pp. 443-448. (Vienna, Austria, November 2-5, 2016) ; (ISBN:978-619-7105-79-7)
16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2016: Book 6 : Nano, Bio and Green - Technologies for a Sustainable Future Conference, Procedings Vol III.
Csaba Horvath (In: Sandor Bodzas, Tamas Mankovits, ed.)
Extended operating maintenance model for modern printing machines, new initiatives
Debrecen, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Engineering, 2016. pp. 241-246. ; (ISBN:978-963-473-944-9)
Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering - ISCAME 2016 (Debrecen, Hungary, October 13-15, 2016)
Extended operating maintenance model for modern printing machines, new initiatives
Debrecen, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Engineering, 2016. pp. 241-246. ; (ISBN:978-963-473-944-9)
Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering - ISCAME 2016 (Debrecen, Hungary, October 13-15, 2016)
Csaba Horvath, Erzsebet Novotny (In: Akos Borbely, ed.)
Studies on the social judgement on paper-based communication in a special environment
Budapest, Obuda University, 2015. pp. 98-103. ; (ISBN:978-615-5460-60-9)
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Environmental and Light Industry Technologies (Budapest, Hungary, November 20, 2015)
Studies on the social judgement on paper-based communication in a special environment
Budapest, Obuda University, 2015. pp. 98-103. ; (ISBN:978-615-5460-60-9)
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Environmental and Light Industry Technologies (Budapest, Hungary, November 20, 2015)
Csaba Horvath, Istvan Mecsei (In: Akos Borbely, ed.)
Budapest, Obuda University, 2015. pp. 19-24. ; (ISBN:978-615-5460-60-9)
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Environmental and Light Industry Technologies (Budapest, Hungary, November 20, 2015)
Budapest, Obuda University, 2015. pp. 19-24. ; (ISBN:978-615-5460-60-9)
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Environmental and Light Industry Technologies (Budapest, Hungary, November 20, 2015)
Ráthy Istvánné, Dúll Sándor, Fazekas Lajos, Horváth Csaba (In: Balogh Ágnes, szerk.)
Green maintenance. Gondolatok a környezettudatos karbantartásról
XXVI. Nemzetközi Karbantartási Konferencia - Karbantartás szerepe az üzleti folyamatok újragondolásában, Konferencia kiadvány (Veszprém, 2014.06. 2-3.) ; (ISBN:978-963-396-012-7)
Veszprém: Pannon Egyetem, 2014. pp. 185-194.
Green maintenance. Gondolatok a környezettudatos karbantartásról
XXVI. Nemzetközi Karbantartási Konferencia - Karbantartás szerepe az üzleti folyamatok újragondolásában, Konferencia kiadvány (Veszprém, 2014.06. 2-3.) ; (ISBN:978-963-396-012-7)
Veszprém: Pannon Egyetem, 2014. pp. 185-194.
Horváth Csaba, Patkó I. (In: Borbély Á., ed.)
Practical approach to manage the environmental issue
2nd International Joint Conference on Environmental and Light Industry Technologies (Budapest, Hungary, November 21-22, 2011) ; (ISBN:978-615-5018-23-7)
Budapest: Óbuda University, 2011. pp. 338-340.
Practical approach to manage the environmental issue
2nd International Joint Conference on Environmental and Light Industry Technologies (Budapest, Hungary, November 21-22, 2011) ; (ISBN:978-615-5018-23-7)
Budapest: Óbuda University, 2011. pp. 338-340.
Horváth Csaba (In: University of Zagreb, ed.)
Going green: Effective solutions to mitigate environmental impact in traditional printing technologies
14th International Conference on Printing, Design and Graphic Communications, Proceedings (Senj, Croatia, October 6-9, 2010) ; (ISBN:978-953-7644-05-5)
University of Zagreb, 2010. pp. 184-189.
Going green: Effective solutions to mitigate environmental impact in traditional printing technologies
14th International Conference on Printing, Design and Graphic Communications, Proceedings (Senj, Croatia, October 6-9, 2010) ; (ISBN:978-953-7644-05-5)
University of Zagreb, 2010. pp. 184-189.
Horváth Csaba, Patkó I. (In: Patkó, I, ed.)
Going green: effective solutions to mitigate environmental impacts in the heat-set web offset printing technology
Proceedings of IJCELIT Graphic Communications Technology Workshop (Budapest, Hungary, November18-19, 2010) ; (ISBN:978-615-5018-08-4)
Budapest, Óbudai University, 2010. pp. 143-147.
Going green: effective solutions to mitigate environmental impacts in the heat-set web offset printing technology
Proceedings of IJCELIT Graphic Communications Technology Workshop (Budapest, Hungary, November18-19, 2010) ; (ISBN:978-615-5018-08-4)
Budapest, Óbudai University, 2010. pp. 143-147.