Publikációk kutatási téma szerint

Téma: Nyomdaipari termelés menedzsment (2)

Téma: 2,3
Horváth Csaba
Nyomdagépek üzemeltetése és karbantartása
Nyomtatott jegyzet
; (ISBN: 9789634491446)
Budapest, Óbudai Egyetem, (2019)
Téma: 2
Csaba Horvath (In: Jim Workmann, ed.)
Impacts of the Characteristics of Unexpected Breakdowns on the Maintenance of Modern Printing Machines
Warrendale (PA), TAGA, 2017. pp. 20-28.
; (ISBN:978-1-935185-09-3)
69th Annual Technical Conference of Technical Association of Graphic Arts, Proceedings. (Houston (TX), USA, March 19-22, 2017)
Téma: 2
Csaba Horvath, Laszlo Koltai (In: Andrea Csata et al., ed.)
Lean and green printing. Marketing or management tools?
Cluj-Napocca, Editura Risoprint, 2016. pp. 436-449. - Miercurea Ciuc, Romania, October 20-22, 2016
; (ISBN:978-973-53-1855-0)
Challenges in the Carpathian Basin. Integration and modernization opportunities on the edges of Europe: 13th Annual International Conference on Economics and Business, Proceedings
Téma: 2
Horváth Csaba (In: Borbély Á., ed.)
The future of printing sales
Budapest, Óbuda University, 2014, pp. 468-471.
; (ISBN:978-615-5018-93-0)
Proceedings of 4th International Joint Conference on Environmental and Light Industry Technologies ( Budapest, Hungary, November 20-22, 2014)
Téma: 1,2
Horváth Csaba
Nyomdagépek üzemeltetése és karbantartása
Felsőoktatási tankönyv

Budapest: Óbudai Egyetem, 2014. 182 p.
Téma: 2,3
Csaba Horvath (In: s n, ed.)
Quality control and knowledge management at the maintenance of printing industry: a company’s example
EuroMaintenance 2014 - 22nd European Congress & Expo on Maintenance and Asset Management, Proceedings (Helsinki, Finland, May 5-7, 2014)
; (ISBN:978-952-67981-1-0)
Brussels, European Federation of National Maintenance Societies, 2014. pp. 421-425.
Téma: 2
Laszló Koltai, Csaba Horváth (In: Draguljub Novakovič, ed.)
7th International Symposium on Graphic Engineering and Design, GRID. Proceedings (Novi Sad, Serbia, November 13-14, 2014)
; (ISBN:978-86-7892-645-7)
Novi Sad: Fakultet tehnickih nauka Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, 2014. pp. 325-331.
Téma: 2
Horváth C., Vandra Z., Szentgyörgyvölgyi R. (In: Edlund, N., Lovrecek, M., ed.)
Potential cost reductions driven by management tools at a packaging printer
Proceedings of the 40th International Research Conference of IARIGAI: Advances in Printing and Media Technology (Chemnitz, Germany, September 8-10, 2013)
; (ISBN:978-3-9812704-4-0)
Darmstadt, IARIGAI, 2013. pp. 115-120.
Téma: 2
Horváth Cs., Szentgyörgyvölgyi R., Borbély Á. (In: University of Pardubice Department of Graphic Arts, Photophysics, ed.)
Lean and green printing … the new attitude of printers
Proceedings of IX. Symposium on Graphic Arts (Pardubice, Czech Republic, June 17-18, 2013)
; (ISBN:978-80-7395-660-8)
Pardubice, University of Pardubice, 2013. pp. 37-43.
Téma: 2
Csaba Horvath (In: Borbély Á., ed.)
Lean and green printing … the Hungarian way
Proceedings of 3rd International Joint Conference on Environmental and Light Industry Technologies, (November 21-22, 2012, Budapest, Hungary)
; (ISBN:978-615-5018-50-3)
Budapest, Óbuda University, 2013. pp. 403-408.